In the last 14 days, have you travelled outside of Canada?

In the last 14 days, have you been identified as a "close contact" of someone who currently has COVID-19?

In the last 14 days, have you received a COVID alert exposure notification on your cell phone? If you already went for a test and got a negative result, select "No".

Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? Choose any/all that are new, worsening, and not related to other known causes or conditions you already have. Fever and/or chills: Temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius /100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher

Cough or barking cough: Continuous, more than usual, making whistling nose when breathing (not related to asthma, COPD or other known causes or conditions you already have

Shortness of breath: Being outof breath, unable to breath, unable to breathe deeply (not related to asthma or other known causes or conditions you already have)

Sore Throat: Not related to seasonal allergies, acid reflux, or other known causes or conditions you already have

Runny or Stuffy/congested nose: Not related to seasonal allergies, being outside in cold weather, or other known causes or conditions you already have

Decrease or loss of taste or smell: Not related to seasonal allergies, neurological disorders, or other known causes or conditions you already have

Pink eye: Conjunctivitis (not related to recurring styes or other known causes or conditions you already have)

Headache: Unusual, long-lasting (not related to tension-type headaches, chronic migraines, or other known causes or conditions you already have)

Digestive issues: Like nausea/vomitting, diarrhea, stomach pain. Not related to irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual cramps, or other known causes or conditions you already have)

Muscle aches: Unusual, long-lasting (not related to a sudden injury, fibromyalgia, or other known causes or conditions you already have

Extreme tiredness: Unusual, fatigue,lack of energy ( not related to depression, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, or other known causes or conditions you already have

DO NOT enter the building if you answered YES to any of the above.

15 + 3 =

*By pressing submit you agree to have the above information sent to the condo corporation and/or their management


TOLL FREE: 1-866-339-8781
TEL: 905-372-4420
FAX: 905-372-4616

711 Ontario Street,
Cobourg, ON
K9A 3C6